Virbac Epi-Otic Advanced Ear Cleaner, 8 oz

Very Quick

"* Great product at a great price."

"My dog had an infection, used this for 4 days and his ears were good from then on."

"* Use it in your pets products awesome ????"

"We do it outside or in the shower because she gives her head a big shake after, and this liquid goes flying....."

"* Good product; purchased initially from the vet for double the price."

"Regardless which product that has ever been used no matter how you slice and dice it, dogs in general just don't seem to enjoy ear flushing and our dog is no exception but this product works marvelously for his ear maintenance unlike any other ear product we've used."

"It works very well and is simple for anyone to use for ear cleaning, it will loosen the heaviest of grime without a lot of rubbing that can cause irritation."

Virbac Epi-Otic Advanced Ear Cleaner, 8 oz (Click to Compare Deals)


"* This was recommended by our vet to both treat ear problems and prevent ear problems... We use a squirt in each ear every week, and then immediately massage for maybe 20 seconds. We do it outside or in the shower because she gives her head a big shake after, and this liquid goes flying....."

"* Good product; purchased initially from the vet for double the price. Now I know better - look in the internet and see what the rest of the world charges. Purchased from Amazon; same product, more reasonable price."

"It is the same one our vet uses and has recommended for our dog who suffers from frequent skin and ear infections due to allergies. Regardless which product that has ever been used no matter how you slice and dice it, dogs in general just don't seem to enjoy ear flushing and our dog is no exception but this product works marvelously for his ear maintenance unlike any other ear product we've used... It must be the standard Vet ear flush cleaner, because its the only ear flush I've ever had a vet use on my dogs and it works great, especially when used in conjunction with simple ear cleaning techniques."

"* My wife is a professional groomer for 30 years and we both use this product for our own pets as well as our customers. It works very well and is simple for anyone to use for ear cleaning, it will loosen the heaviest of grime without a lot of rubbing that can cause irritation. I highly recommend this product."

Less Quick

"It is the same one our vet uses and has recommended for our dog who suffers from frequent skin and ear infections due to allergies. Regardless which product that has ever been used no matter how you slice and dice it, dogs in general just don't seem to enjoy ear flushing and our dog is no exception but this product works marvelously for his ear maintenance unlike any other ear product we've used. We do have a solid routine down of swabbing the outer ear flap several times a week, and then an ear flush wtih Epi-Otic advanced on a weekly basis... For instance, we are currently treating an ear infection in both ears for 3 weeks now... At the end of the week, we swap the exterior "gunk" that is making its way out of the ear, and then follow through with a thorough ear flush with Epi-Otic... After removing external gunk, she swabs into the ear for an ear cytology, and while she's doing that, the has the assistants do a complete ear flush with Epi-Otic before proceeding to the next step. It must be the standard Vet ear flush cleaner, because its the only ear flush I've ever had a vet use on my dogs and it works great, especially when used in conjunction with simple ear cleaning techniques."