"My daughter will be four months on Father's Day she started showing signs of teething a month ago. I've been trying a few different things. 1. Soft plush toys-they are great for her little mouth and her slowly teething thumbs but they are too soft. 2. Teething ring too big for her mouth and she just didn't like it. 3. Her Binky clip that has a cord on it that I can connect to her clothes. she loves to chew on that. It's hard enough but soft enough that she loves it but she soaks it. again it's to clip to her clothes and when she chews/sucks on it, it soaks through her clothes and I have to wash it. 4.my dentist told me to soak a clean washcloth put it in a freezer bag and stick it in the freezer. Then take it out and let my daughter suck on it because one it helps the numbing of the gums, secondly it helps to break the skin gently so the teeth come through. Now that's great and all but as young as she is, there's assistance needed in holding it up to her face. so you have to sit there and hold it because she is learning to use her hands. If your baby is capable of holding it you have to watch it anyways because that is too cold to keep to their mouth too long. Also as it defrost what happens?, the water releases and she starts to suck that water down. And as most moms know, your little one can't take water down until their-year-old. 5. She loves to bite down on the ring attachments from her play gym. This is great as well but too big & it's smooth & rounded and hard to fit in her mouth. 6.lastly I bought these teething keys. They're small enough to fit her little hands/mouth that she can get a grip on them. she still likes to chew on the ring but the different style of edges and grooves on the keys work for her gums. she is slowly starting to chew on them. She's not a big fan but she's getting there. They are washable & put them in The refrigerator (in a zippy bag to prevent contamination of germs). They are not meant for the freezer as stated on the label. The refrigerator keeps it cold for short period time which is good for her gums/mouth but the downfall is if you have to take it away to re-chill it & your baby isn't ready for you to take it away. You'll have a problem. I like this but I should have purchased 2 for back up."
Nuby Icybite Hard/Soft Teething Keys (Compare Deals from $3.88)
"Let me start off by saying that these keys aren't detachable from the key ring. I was hoping that they were when I ordered them, since then I could leave the other two in the freezer while my kid was gumming the third, but no such luck. I still haven't made the decision whether or not I want to cut them apart or not, but it could definitely be done. PROS: The keys are pretty thin (about 1/4" thick), which means that my twins can easily get them in their mouthes. They're also pretty easy for them to hold on to and chew themselves (they're only 5 months old, so this is important) so I don't have to sit there holding the key while they try to bend my fingers back, forwards, and see how far apart they can stretch (parents, you know what I'm talking about). They're very colorful, and my kids like to look at them. The textured surfaces really seem to help; they like to rub them across their gums so it can massage them. They get cold pretty quickly, since they're so thin. CONS: Again, being thin, they also get warm pretty quickly. They last about 3 1/2 minutes until they're no longer cold, when starting out from freezing. They're not detachable. Though, considering how fast they heat up, this might be a pro, since then you have the other keys with you. Personal choice on this one. MISCELLANEOUS THOUGHTS: On the Amazon page, it has a "choking hazard" warning, and says they're not appropriate for under 3 years. I'm not really sure what baby waits until they're 3 years old to teethe, but I WANT IT. Anyway, I haven't been able to discern what the "small parts" may be, unless they're talking about the "Nuby" emblem that holds the ring together (it could feasibly come unglued, and become a choking hazard, but there doesn't seem to be much chance of this). On the package itself, it says not to freeze these. I chose to ignore this warning and take my chances, and so far my household survives. If anything cataclysmic happens, I'll update this review. All in all, I would definitely recommend these to my friends, and (obviously) to you fine folks reading this review. The only reason it has 4 stars instead of 5 is because the keys warm up so quickly; but with something this thin, it's pretty unavoidable."
"I purchased these thinking I could put them in the freezer based on the name "Icybite." However, after reading the packaging carefully, I realized they are only safe for the fridge. This is my mistake -- I should of read the item description in more detail before purchasing. That being said, I followed the directions and put them in the fridge. I found that after several minutes of my 6 month old handling the teether, they were back to room temperature and he lost interest. I also purchased the Nuby Silicone Teether with Bristles and the Light Blue Razberry Teether. Of the three, the Silicone with bristles is by far his favorite. It's extremely flexible but not as thick and has added texture, which allows him to bite down (hard) and massage his gums with ease. His least favorite is the Razberry, which he seems to find far too big with little give for his little mouth (he does use regular pacifiers for sucking). I'm sure every baby is different but for ours, this just wasn't the right choice."
"We're on board with the only water toys and have searched and searched for ones with only water for our son but we haven't been able to find ones that can get this cold. PROS: Perfect size and shape - it's thin enough that my little one can get his mouth around it They get really nice and cold - he still is done with the toy after 15 minutes because all the keys are warm but it's better than the 2 or 5 from other toys Great colors - after he's done chewing on them he still likes to hold them, throw them on the floor, and/or shake them CON: Not filled with water so I do worry if he breaks into one that he'll ingest whatever toxic goop is inside"
"The keys aren't going to be the first thing your baby likes about this, most likely. My daughter first liked it for no other reason than the ring part fit nicely in her hand. Yay, a thing! Then she discovered she could shake it and make a noise. Yay for noise! She enjoyed it that way for awhile, then figured out she could chew on it. Yay for textures! Finally, after QUITE some time, she began teething in earnest and I put this toy in the fridge to get cold for her. She played with it as usual for a few minutes, then started the usual om-nom-nom of any object she holds, and to her immense surprise and glee, the squishy key bits had gotten cold! Yay for cold! The only problem is that it only stays cold for about an hour, maybe an hour and a half if she chews on the keys sequentially rather than nomming the whole thing and going back and forth from key to key several times. I solved said problem by buying a second one, so it could be getting cold while the first one is in use, and now we pretty much rotate this toy and its' brother between fridge, baby, quick wash-off in the sink, fridge, baby and so forth ad infinitum. I'd order one to make sure your baby likes her keys, and then if she does, get a second one. If nothing else, it'll prevent a howling tantrum in the event she leaves her first set in the car sometime."
"My Grandson loved these for his teething. Very easy for him to hold on to, even the ring is soft so it does not hurt his mouth when he chews on it. This is by far one of his favorite teething rings. The handle doesn't freeze like some of the other teething rings, which allows it to warm up quick when he holds it and while the keys stay frozen, making it easy for him to hold and still get the cold on his gums."
"My grandson doesn't play much with these. He is now 8 months old and has five teeth (2 top/3 bottom). He hasn't fussed with his teething. Maybe because his gums are still soft and teeth are coming right through. He slobbers quite a bit but he doesn't seem to want to chew on anything or put anything in his mouth like most babies. I still put these with his toys and hang them in his toy area so they are accessible to him. He may pick them up and shake them a bit but that's about it. He just doesn't seem to care much for them. The quality is good. The colors are vibrant. I guess it just baby's preference."
Nuby Icybite Hard/Soft Teething Keys (Compare Deals from $3.88)