Braun Clean and Renew Cartridge Refills, 4 Count

Very Quick

"You have to decide if $5/month is worth your time and effort to clean your shaver (even once a week) plus knowing that the cleaning solution has removed the oil and bacteria off the head and foil to minimize infection or in-grown wiskers."

"I clean my Braun razor every Sunday so I don't forget, and the cartridge lasts me about three months, pretty good!"

"I was waiting for my package and realized that it may take longer because I ordered it a few days before thanksgiving."

"As one reviewer notes, the cleaning liquid evaporates whether or not you run the cycle, but the simple fact is that the cartridge will run out sooner if you run the cleaning cycle every day."

"Look at the price for 4 of these units at under $5/ month and which always last me closer to 6 months than 4 coming to less than $3/ month, and understand your blades and foils lasting longer will pay for these even if you don't value your time that highly to avoid daily light cleanings."

"But still, it is nice to be able to simply use your razor, place it in the cleaning stand, and then have it ready for you the next day, with no effort on your part."

"That's how mine is set and using the clean function every shave (every other day), the cartridges seem to last about 6 weeks or more."

Braun Clean and Renew Cartridge Refills, 4 Count (Compare Deals from $19.32)


"I was hoping it would last longer, but it appears the only way to do that is to manually clean out the head before you drop it into the charger for auto-cleaning... You have to decide if $5/month is worth your time and effort to clean your shaver (even once a week) plus knowing that the cleaning solution has removed the oil and bacteria off the head and foil to minimize infection or in-grown wiskers... I did my order on Amazon because it looks like on eBay, you only save about $2-$3 (depending on quantity) and some auctions claim their refills are old outdated stock."

"My Braun razor, which incidentally gives me a shave as close as any blade (the very first electric razor in my life to do so)came with this wonderful cleaning system cradle... You can purchase these in a brick-and-mortar store I suppose, but I did not have much luck locally in my small town so always buy them in a two or three-pack through Amazon. I clean my Braun razor every Sunday so I don't forget, and the cartridge lasts me about three months, pretty good!"

"I was waiting for my package and realized that it may take longer because I ordered it a few days before thanksgiving... Right as soon as I used it, my machine did not have any problems detecting this product and started cleaning my shaver. At the moment, I don't really think there's too many problems that I can notice."

"As one reviewer notes, the cleaning liquid evaporates whether or not you run the cycle, but the simple fact is that the cartridge will run out sooner if you run the cleaning cycle every day... These things are very pricey; if you clean every day, and if a cartridge lasts about 30 cleanings, you'll spend about $60 per year... Whatever you put in won't have the lubricants that the factory liquid does, and that will cause your replaceable but expensive cutter head to wear out faster."

"But now, with Braun's clean and renew refills, you just pop the razor back into the stand, wait for the light to signal whether you should do a light or intense cleaning, press the button recommended, and walk away. I find that I clean my razor more regularly, that the blades and foils last longer, and because of this, that I get a close, more comfortable shave, even when I'm tackling a long weekend's growth following a bout of sloth... Look at the price for 4 of these units at under $5/ month and which always last me closer to 6 months than 4 coming to less than $3/ month, and understand your blades and foils lasting longer will pay for these even if you don't value your time that highly to avoid daily light cleanings."

"However, be assured that they all use the same cleaning cartridge, even though the newer models have an improved cleaning stand... That's not so bad, considering that shaving with a blade will cost you money in hot water use, shaving cream, and replacement blades... But still, it is nice to be able to simply use your razor, place it in the cleaning stand, and then have it ready for you the next day, with no effort on your part."

"So you save money in the long run going electric, until they figure out ways to ensure you still have to buy something from them, much the way the replaceable blade shavers do. If you can get over that and want to have a close shave, as close as it can get to the brand new feeling, then purchase these... That's how mine is set and using the clean function every shave (every other day), the cartridges seem to last about 6 weeks or more."

Less Quick

"If you read my review on the 8595 you'll see I'm only cleaning it once a week and doing the reseal-the-cleaner-with-plug trick... I was hoping it would last longer, but it appears the only way to do that is to manually clean out the head before you drop it into the charger for auto-cleaning... You have to decide if $5/month is worth your time and effort to clean your shaver (even once a week) plus knowing that the cleaning solution has removed the oil and bacteria off the head and foil to minimize infection or in-grown wiskers... If Braun would get smart and sell a refill kit which came with a quart or two of solution and replacement filters, I'd buy that... I read up on all the alcohol, lemon extract, silicon oil refill tricks, but they don't address the filter problem unless you backwash the container... I did my order on Amazon because it looks like on eBay, you only save about $2-$3 (depending on quantity) and some auctions claim their refills are old outdated stock. Probably nothing wrong with that since they are sealed, but for $2, I'll just buy here to get the fresh stock."

"I am 'Old School' and still firmly believed the BEST way to clean my brand-new Braun razor was by painstakingly taking it apart; brushing, soaking, dipping, and trying to assemble all the little clicky places, points, bumps and tolerances back together without breaking something... My Braun razor, which incidentally gives me a shave as close as any blade (the very first electric razor in my life to do so)came with this wonderful cleaning system cradle. After shaving, you drop the razor head down into its cradle, which contains the cleaning solution cartridge (THIS PRODUCT)... When the cartridge is low the cradle will indicate this too, and that is when you replace the old self-contained cartridge with a fresh Braun Refill! You can purchase these in a brick-and-mortar store I suppose, but I did not have much luck locally in my small town so always buy them in a two or three-pack through Amazon. I clean my Braun razor every Sunday so I don't forget, and the cartridge lasts me about three months, pretty good!... Do yourself a big favor - DON'T struggle any longer, modernize, and use your accompanying Braun cradle cleaning system with these wonderful cartridges."

"The refills should generally last for a few months... Short: I liked the packaging, Braun was able to give me 4 refills that matched my machine shaver well and started to clean it fast... I was waiting for my package and realized that it may take longer because I ordered it a few days before thanksgiving... Right as soon as I used it, my machine did not have any problems detecting this product and started cleaning my shaver. At the moment, I don't really think there's too many problems that I can notice... If you're really picky about if it's genuine, I believe you shouldn't worry about it. Although I did pick the frustration free packaging, I was looking for some sort of manual or description and did not find any."

"The good news is that since these cleaning refill cartridges are made by the manufacturer, they are an exact fit, and they work just the way the original cartridge does. However, there are a couple of things to think about: Braun's manual says to run the cleaning cycle every day... As one reviewer notes, the cleaning liquid evaporates whether or not you run the cycle, but the simple fact is that the cartridge will run out sooner if you run the cleaning cycle every day... But what's the point of buying a shaver with an automatic cleaning system, then not using it?... These things are very pricey; if you clean every day, and if a cartridge lasts about 30 cleanings, you'll spend about $60 per year... Whatever you put in won't have the lubricants that the factory liquid does, and that will cause your replaceable but expensive cutter head to wear out faster... Having said all of that, though, the fact is that if you want to use the Braun shaver to its full potential, you have to buy these cartridges."

"I tried the Panasonic wet razors, but they weren't up to my beard and were pretty much a pain to clean, too, especially if you used the creams they hawk with them. But now, with Braun's clean and renew refills, you just pop the razor back into the stand, wait for the light to signal whether you should do a light or intense cleaning, press the button recommended, and walk away. I find that I clean my razor more regularly, that the blades and foils last longer, and because of this, that I get a close, more comfortable shave, even when I'm tackling a long weekend's growth following a bout of sloth. Now I recognize this is, clearly, Braun's take on Gillette's business model of recurring revenue, addicting you to the convenience of their cleaning solution for a low monthly price... Look at the price for 4 of these units at under $5/ month and which always last me closer to 6 months than 4 coming to less than $3/ month, and understand your blades and foils lasting longer will pay for these even if you don't value your time that highly to avoid daily light cleanings. And how many of us TRULY disinfected our razors in alcohol *ever* or deep-cleaned and lubricated them to the manufacturer's recommendations before this anyway?... Now do yourself a favor and order these guys and let Amazon save you some money and headache by selling you a subscription so you don't ever run out."

"This is the replacement cleaning cartridge for Braun's line of automatic cleaning stand for their electric razors... I have not tried any of the newer Braun models, as my 7-year-old Syncro is still going strong. However, be assured that they all use the same cleaning cartridge, even though the newer models have an improved cleaning stand... So your cost to keep your razor clean and lubricated, automatically, works out to about five dollars every month. That's not so bad, considering that shaving with a blade will cost you money in hot water use, shaving cream, and replacement blades... But still, it is nice to be able to simply use your razor, place it in the cleaning stand, and then have it ready for you the next day, with no effort on your part. If you have a Braun cleaning system and you want to use it, this is your only option."

"I use the Amazon Subscribe and Save for these Clean & Renew refills. With the S&S discount, the price is about $3 cheaper per refill than the local stores. In terms of needing these, well, I've yet to take my shaver on a trip of a week or so and not have it tell me to clean it after 4 shaves... When I travel and don't clean it so the light goes out, the shave takes much longer and isn't as close. So you save money in the long run going electric, until they figure out ways to ensure you still have to buy something from them, much the way the replaceable blade shavers do. If you can get over that and want to have a close shave, as close as it can get to the brand new feeling, then purchase these... That's how mine is set and using the clean function every shave (every other day), the cartridges seem to last about 6 weeks or more."