Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay Deep Pore Cleansing, 1 Pound

Very Quick

"Use witch hazel with cotton pads (trust me on this) gently wipe skin with it Moisturize with whatever moisturizer works for you (oil-free) Try this regimen for a month and if you don't see major improvements, email me or contact me somehow and you can vent to me about your situation, but I promise this will work for ANY skin type because again it's completely natural there are no chemicals.."

"(Btw, it's good on all body parts, not just face: put it on your arms and get rid of follicular whatever it's called, basically small bumps, if you have that thing; my SO does, and clay near exterminates them; follow it up with a vitamin E cream and they're gone, although not all of them work; Colonial Dames does though)."

"It's a mess to make and apply, it's a mess to have on your face as it can take up to 2 hours to dry completely (the act of it drying is what cleans but also kills those top skins cells with dryness and makes people believe its actually shrinking pores)."

"I've found that if you take the same washcloth you used to prep your face before the mask and run it under warm water, then press it into your face to loosen the mask, it comes off easily!"

"When I initially mixed the mask up, it puffed up some of the dry clay into the air and started fizzing, which kind of scared me actually, because I hadn't read anything that said that it would react like that."

"Here's my view: This is a powder that you have to mix with either RAW Apple Cider or Water (I've heard you can also use Cranberry juice if you have SUPER oily skin but I haven't tried it)."

"**If you're like me and have super large pores that would like them to disappear before you leave the house, but don't have the time for a full mask routine added to getting yourself ready for the world, then try this: Put a small amount where your pores are the problem, a thin layer is all you need, then use your hair dryer on cool until it dries, wait another 5 minutes then wash off."

Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay Deep Pore Cleansing, 1 Pound (Compare Deals from $7.75)


"But I can never tell what products truly "work" because it seemed like every week I would get a few whiteheads and ugly red, swollen pimples... Use witch hazel with cotton pads (trust me on this) gently wipe skin with it Moisturize with whatever moisturizer works for you (oil-free) Try this regimen for a month and if you don't see major improvements, email me or contact me somehow and you can vent to me about your situation, but I promise this will work for ANY skin type because again it's completely natural there are no chemicals.... I wrote the review a little over a month ago, and if you read my entire review and understood the whole acne minor/moderate/sever stage level thing, let me just proudly say that I am now a Moderate Level 1 and haven't had any severe or crazy breakouts at all!"

"(Btw, it's good on all body parts, not just face: put it on your arms and get rid of follicular whatever it's called, basically small bumps, if you have that thing; my SO does, and clay near exterminates them; follow it up with a vitamin E cream and they're gone, although not all of them work; Colonial Dames does though)... Get an anatomy book and look at the structure of the skin: pores are pretty deep, several millimetres at least, and you're not going to clean them out by applying something to the surface: it's literally like the tip of the iceberg -- or, rather like a tube of dentifrice: can you _pull_ out all the paste out of a tube?... Clumps are only bad because there's a bit of dry clay inside of it, so all you need to make sure is that the little bit of dirt you're about to put on your face is all wet, with no dry "bubbles" inside, that's all."

"But the pores are naturally the way my genes intended, my skin is still putting out the oil my genes tell it to, and i'm looking a bit more wrinkly because of that top layer of skin cells, now dying from getting the moisture sucked out of them... For sure it was just going to take a regimen to clean out those pores (yes clay does swell greatly in water, and when it dries, it can pull in moisture, oils, organics from its surroundings... It's a mess to make and apply, it's a mess to have on your face as it can take up to 2 hours to dry completely (the act of it drying is what cleans but also kills those top skins cells with dryness and makes people believe its actually shrinking pores)."

"Okay, let's get down to it: There are hundreds of rave reviews on this product, and like many other people reading through these, I thought it was too good to be true... This clay doesn't kill the bacteria in your acne so much as it brings it to the surface--a process that is actually a lot better for your skin than killing the pimples with salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide... I've found that if you take the same washcloth you used to prep your face before the mask and run it under warm water, then press it into your face to loosen the mask, it comes off easily!"

"When I initially mixed the mask up, it puffed up some of the dry clay into the air and started fizzing, which kind of scared me actually, because I hadn't read anything that said that it would react like that... I left it on for 10 minutes (it says 5-10 minutes for sensitive skin and 15-20 for non-sensitive skin), and noticed it was really hard to wash off with just my hands and warm water... I had less dryness around my nose area, which was great because usually clay masks dry my face out so bad my face will itch for days after using one."

"I've also tried Freemans Cucumber Peel but it's way too sticky, messy, and I find the it only takes off what's on the surface- not whats in your pores... Here's my view: This is a powder that you have to mix with either RAW Apple Cider or Water (I've heard you can also use Cranberry juice if you have SUPER oily skin but I haven't tried it)... I did it another two times- my black heads were almost completely gone and my acne was begin its healing process already!"

"I use it either every night, or every other night and my skin has not reacted like when I've used other masks in the past-which would be getting heavy breakouts due to "bringing up the bad stuff"... Maybe after some prolonged use, I'll see a long lasting effect on this front; but what it does do instantly is completely shrink your pores to the point of them being nearly non existent... **If you're like me and have super large pores that would like them to disappear before you leave the house, but don't have the time for a full mask routine added to getting yourself ready for the world, then try this: Put a small amount where your pores are the problem, a thin layer is all you need, then use your hair dryer on cool until it dries, wait another 5 minutes then wash off."

Less Quick

"Here's the thing, I always read those reviews that say "this product may not work for you as everyone is different"... Minor acne would be a small area like chin or just nose, or no major breakouts but a few pimples here and there... But I can never tell what products truly "work" because it seemed like every week I would get a few whiteheads and ugly red, swollen pimples... Now I'm in week 3, heading into week 4 and I don't get any major breakouts but any small (or large) pimple is completely healed by the next day... Use witch hazel with cotton pads (trust me on this) gently wipe skin with it Moisturize with whatever moisturizer works for you (oil-free) Try this regimen for a month and if you don't see major improvements, email me or contact me somehow and you can vent to me about your situation, but I promise this will work for ANY skin type because again it's completely natural there are no chemicals.... I wrote the review a little over a month ago, and if you read my entire review and understood the whole acne minor/moderate/sever stage level thing, let me just proudly say that I am now a Moderate Level 1 and haven't had any severe or crazy breakouts at all!... I also want to add that because I'm a DJ, I travel quite a bit and recently I was in New York for about a week and didn't get to use the mask at all."

"Amazon of course makes money on every sell and appears entirely for it, to the point where their system here enables you to set up any number of posting accounts and go ahead and post any number of reviews to the same item... A good bottle of apple cidre vinegar costs a couple of bucks and is available everywhere, mixing can be done in a regular ceramic cup with a plastic spoon; takes a minute, literally... Btw, don't mix too much, it's easy to overdo: you really don't need a very thick layer on the skin -- once you got two-three millimetres of dirt on your face, adding more doesn't do anything... (Btw, it's good on all body parts, not just face: put it on your arms and get rid of follicular whatever it's called, basically small bumps, if you have that thing; my SO does, and clay near exterminates them; follow it up with a vitamin E cream and they're gone, although not all of them work; Colonial Dames does though)... Get an anatomy book and look at the structure of the skin: pores are pretty deep, several millimetres at least, and you're not going to clean them out by applying something to the surface: it's literally like the tip of the iceberg -- or, rather like a tube of dentifrice: can you _pull_ out all the paste out of a tube?... Clumps are only bad because there's a bit of dry clay inside of it, so all you need to make sure is that the little bit of dirt you're about to put on your face is all wet, with no dry "bubbles" inside, that's all... It has some sort of bracing effect on the surface of the skin, it makes it tighter and improves circulation (I'm guesssing, 'cause it ends up kinda rosier, healthier in appearance -- and I don't mean right after, when it's slightly irritated: I mean long after)."

"I'm 36, with regular (but not cystic) acne, large, colors pores, oily skin within a few hours of washing, and a few scars... Even in my low humidity apartment in the middle of winter with the heater making static electricity out of everything, the 20 minute dry time is more like 1 hour and 20 minutes... The next day, as my face recovered (and broke out as usual) look at my skin under daylight, under fluorescent work lights, nothing has really changed... But the pores are naturally the way my genes intended, my skin is still putting out the oil my genes tell it to, and i'm looking a bit more wrinkly because of that top layer of skin cells, now dying from getting the moisture sucked out of them... For sure it was just going to take a regimen to clean out those pores (yes clay does swell greatly in water, and when it dries, it can pull in moisture, oils, organics from its surroundings... It's a mess to make and apply, it's a mess to have on your face as it can take up to 2 hours to dry completely (the act of it drying is what cleans but also kills those top skins cells with dryness and makes people believe its actually shrinking pores)... TI does not do as good of a job as a cleanser with AHA (alpha-hydroxy acid), which can dissolve the gunk in your pores, and is usually prescribed/recommended by a doctor."

"Okay, let's get down to it: There are hundreds of rave reviews on this product, and like many other people reading through these, I thought it was too good to be true... Here's what really happened to me: I started using the mask every other day, moisturizing well with Clinique's dramatically different moisturizing gel after every use... This clay doesn't kill the bacteria in your acne so much as it brings it to the surface--a process that is actually a lot better for your skin than killing the pimples with salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide... Once the pimples have developed fully, I would recommend using a comedone extractor (can also be found on amazon--I got mine for $0... After the initial purge I stopped breaking out altogether, and I know it was mostly thanks to this mask because I stopped using it for a month or so and my acne came back full-force... " I use two teaspoons of each clay powder and ACV, because I've found that the mask DOES work better if you put it on very thickly... I've found that if you take the same washcloth you used to prep your face before the mask and run it under warm water, then press it into your face to loosen the mask, it comes off easily!"

"I have tried so many different skin care products, and I have found very few that make a huge difference on my skin, and this is one of them... I used organic apple cider vinegar, and I'm not sure how much of a difference that makes, but I wanted to use pure ingredients. When I initially mixed the mask up, it puffed up some of the dry clay into the air and started fizzing, which kind of scared me actually, because I hadn't read anything that said that it would react like that... I left it on for 10 minutes (it says 5-10 minutes for sensitive skin and 15-20 for non-sensitive skin), and noticed it was really hard to wash off with just my hands and warm water... It falls off in clumps, so I'd recommend washing your face over your kitchen sink if possible so you don't clog up your bathroom sink or shower... I had less dryness around my nose area, which was great because usually clay masks dry my face out so bad my face will itch for days after using one... This will probably be hit or miss with a lot of people just because it can be super irritating to your skin, but for under $10, I don't think it would break the bank for most people."

"I've also tried Freemans Cucumber Peel but it's way too sticky, messy, and I find the it only takes off what's on the surface- not whats in your pores... Here's my view: This is a powder that you have to mix with either RAW Apple Cider or Water (I've heard you can also use Cranberry juice if you have SUPER oily skin but I haven't tried it)... I used some plastic measuring tools from the dollar store and plastic mini disposable cups from walgreens (unless you want to be washing out bowls extensively I suggest using disposables)... I did it another two times- my black heads were almost completely gone and my acne was begin its healing process already!... I waited until the next day to use it again and found that I had smaller breakouts beginning to emerge and blackheads emerging as well... I suggest you use this once or twice a week on your whole face and then however often you need it just on those problem areas... As for acne scarring it really doesn't do much, in fact it may actually make them more apparent so a scar treatment or good exfoliator is a good idea also if you have issues with that."

"I use it either every night, or every other night and my skin has not reacted like when I've used other masks in the past-which would be getting heavy breakouts due to "bringing up the bad stuff". Also, if used the way I've been using it (continue reading on tips for mixing) I expect this tub to last me at least a year... Maybe after some prolonged use, I'll see a long lasting effect on this front; but what it does do instantly is completely shrink your pores to the point of them being nearly non existent... Eventually a nice, cool wash cloth takes it off really well and your face is tight and feels super clean... My face was not bothered at all by the burning-which is a really itchy sensation but my neck and chest were... **If you're like me and have super large pores that would like them to disappear before you leave the house, but don't have the time for a full mask routine added to getting yourself ready for the world, then try this: Put a small amount where your pores are the problem, a thin layer is all you need, then use your hair dryer on cool until it dries, wait another 5 minutes then wash off. You get THE EXACT same results in the tightening of your pores as you would with the typical method of letting it sit until it's all cracked and ready to wash off."