"You're gonna see a ton of people bashing this item on terms on design, quality and shipping. Here was my experience... First of all, Buff is a brand. http://buffusa.com/sports?gclid=CPP4_9z2-sECFQiAaQodVHMA3g "Buffs" are a tube of fabric which can be folded and manipulated in various ways and configurations based on the users desired method/needhttp://buffusa.com/wear/ways_to_wear_a_buff. I have worked at an outdoor retail ship and, along with selling many, i personally own four different Buffs and absolutely LOVE them! Anyone who complains about the extra fabric and the fit, clearly misunderstood what they were getting. That being said, this item is worded so that one would believe it is actually the brand Buff and not just a misrepresentation of the BRAND as a TYPE of clothing.... IS THIS AN ACTUAL BUFF? Buff has an incredible selection of products and print patterns. upon searching their website i did not find this specific style, but they have been known to discontinue product based on popularity and mistakes in production runs. My item came in an actual Buff brand package! Meaning that it had all the ways to wear it printed on the plastic, it was simply missing the Logo. Hmm...Upon inspection and testing it alongside my other Buffs, here is my conclusion... No, this is not a name brand Buff but can HOLD IT'S OWN! The fabric feels every so slightly different, the breath-ability is identical, wind and weather protection is the same, and durability (so far) is on the level with the name brand. It DOES have a small seam, which the name brand does not, but it is nothing horrendous. The print design is a few inches below the edge of the fabric, but i actually liked that. If you don't want to walk around looking like a Call of Duty character, simply unfold it and you can wear it like a normal piece of clothing. When it's time to hit the range or shoot the air-soft guns with your kids/brothers/cousins, simply fold it so that you can wear it as shown. It is not a big deal for ME. For some people this will be a deal breaker, and if so, than go buy a name brand 30$ Buff that will be just how you like it. About shipping... It is slow, but not as slow as you'd think. My projected time of arrival was November 16-December 2. I got mine on November 2. (seriously people, before you hit the CONFIRM ORDER button, it tells you about how long it will take to arrive). THE BOTTOM LINE This is an inexpensive alternative to a high-quality product. Current testing (for me) shows that it preforms at the same level as the name brand but might not be as comfortable or convenient. Quality, price, and availability (including shipping times) considered, i give this a solid 4.5 out of 5 stars and after receiving the first, purchased three more. $1.07 for a solid off-brand product or $20-30 ($50 for their nicest stuff) for a name brand item. You're choice. ps. Buff (the name brand guys) make some of my favorite products and i will continue to buy from them. They just released some cool new designs from National Geographic, and their cold weather pieces http://buffusa.com/sports/collections/filter/cold-weather are some of my most used all season. I'm not bashing on them at all, merely saying that for a back-up, play with the kids, go shooting and look cool, throw in the bug-out bag/backback/72-hr. kit, this knockoff will do the job."
UrbanSource Black Seamless Skull Face Tube Mask BUFF (Compare Deals from $4.40)
"There are about 2000 reviews about these online of which about 3 are correct (assuming they all received the same product I did) It's a very light weight gator, that's it nothing less nothing more and since they cost under a $1 each it's hard to complain. I agree the actual skull face could be printed closer to the top so it actually lines up with the facial features it's supposed to resemble but guess what 11seconds and a scissor and I had mine perfectly customized or if you didn't want to cut it you can easily fold it over. Keep in mind I bought this exclusively for warm weather ski days and so far it has done exactly what I wanted it to. I'm actually pretty sad I spent as much time as I did considering these given the amount of negative comments out there. Clearly you can't please everyone even if it costs less than a $1! Buy it...worst case you are out $1 and you didn't have to spend our time reading all of the ridiculous reviews FYI - I bought 5 of these for $5.20 inclusive of shipping so watch out for the pricing and it may not hurt to shop around as I assume these are all coming from the same place"
"I ordered on Oct. 17th received on Nov. 5th. I've had things from miles in the same state as me take longer, so can't complain about it getting here a week and a half before expected date and from CHINA! Mine is only printed on the front and on one side. I don't know if the manufacturer learned from all the complaints, but mine was done correctly and for the price even it is wasn't I'd still be happy. My face is a bit smaller than who this was made for so I have to fold it down some so not to cover me eyes, but besides that it is fine. If you are looking for something for extremely cold weather, you're going to have a bad time. This is made of a really thin material. Which is perfect right now in the fall here in Texas, but probably no good north of here. I bought this more for form than function and in that it was worth every penny (and more)."
"I bought 3 of these masks. They were very cheap when I got them (like a buck and change for each>posting just in case of price change). I wasn't sure what to expect since I was paying next to nothing, but I was pleasantly surprised. They are fun to wear and most definitely help keep your face warm. I haven't worn them outside in the wind or anything so I can't tell ya how good they are in that sense, but if you're cold, they help. They're stretchy, too, I actually wore one just over my head when my head and ears were cold. I also used it to totally cover up my face (to mess with my kids) and I could still see through it. I wouldn't recommend trying to drive or anything this way as it's not THAT clear (which is good, means it's thick-ish). Over-all, I'm glad I bought them, if you can patiently wait for them arrive, then I suggest grabbing a few of these."
"WAY thinner than i thought it would be. i was disappointed when i first opened it. but it's warmer than it looks. don't shove your face in the snow and expect to stay warm, though, but good enough for walking around a bit. i was outside a bit this morning, and it was about 3 degrees, and it kept me pretty warm, so i am happy with that. i wasn't excited that it took such a long time to ship, but that's what happens when you spend only $1 on shipping, so i didn't mind. plus, it got to me the first day, instead of two weeks later. (yes, they gave a two week range.) if you want yours before winter, buy early. all in all, i don't hate it, and it kept me warmer than i thought. i have no experience with the BUFF brand, so i cannot comment on whether or not i feel cheated in that. i didn't even notice it said BUFF in the description until i read some of the reviews. for another $1, i'd buy it again. i certainly wouldn't spend the $25 original price. now THAT is funny."
"It is exactly what the description says. It's breathable because it's thin material cloth. It stretches so one size fits all. It's printed on both sides, I'm not sure why but it doesn't bother me. It's an OK product for the price, you basically get what you pay for and I wasn't expecting much and I didn't have high expectations to this but it came handy/useful whenever I need it. This item is obviously coming from China and that's the reason why it takes awhile to get it. I'm from California and it took less than a month to get here, I'm assuming if your somewhere in the east coast then it may take longer. I'm pretty happy with this boy just because if the price and its useful"
"This product did not meet my expectations. I suppose I shouldn't have had such high hopes for such a low-price product. It came from China, which took a long time. The quality of the garment is something you would expect from China. It's a thin, slightly elastic material with no true seams at the top (face part) or bottom (neck opening). I don't expect it to hold up very long before it starts unraveling. Also, there is no extra elastic or stretchy band built into the face opening, so it doesn't stay up very well. It is literally a tube of cloth with the jaw bones printed on it. No narrowing for the neck or other features that typical face masks have to ensure a better fit. Lastly, this mask will do nothing to keep out cold, so if you're thinking of buying it for cold weather, don't bother. The only uses I could see for this mask would be military squads wanting a cool mask to keep sand out, or perhaps someone who works around sawdust and needs to keep it out of their airway."
UrbanSource Black Seamless Skull Face Tube Mask BUFF (Compare Deals from $4.40)