Loew-Cornell Brush Set Value Pack (Compare Deals from $6.99)
"If you are a professional painter, this set is not right for you! This is for hacks like me, who don't mind taking out a hair or two from a canvas painting, or are doing some touch up painting to the walls. That said, for $7, you get 25 very decent brushes. That works out to 23 cents a brush, folks, about as cheap as they come - and actually - makes you wonder how anyone can make any money from making these! I have used about 7 of the brushes, and they are consistent. After using for myself, I hand them down to my kids, who put the brushes through an interesting form of torture, almost to see if they'll fall apart. They really don't, unless you start trying to break them apart. Good brushes, you cannot go wrong for 23 cents a piece. Thanks for reading!"
"I was happy with these brushes. I spent WAY too much time reading reviews before ordering these brushes, and I thought these sounded like the best for my price and my expected uses. I was right. Lots of sizes to choose from depending upon your project. After painting several small projects (garden rocks and small wooden benches, etc.) a few of the brushes started losing their 'hair' and I had to throw them out, but overall, after 2-3 months of small weekend craft projects I still have 80% of these brushes. I am truly an "I just want to paint something for fun' hobbyist, so these brushes were a good buy for me."
"Good starting set for painting. Did not notice any hairs falling out while they were being used so that is good. Bought 2 sets one for each grand daughter and a friend that paints came to teach them. She said it is a good set. A couple of additional brushes would have been nice to have in the set instead of so many of virtually the same ones but the quality is fine as is the selection. Think there are 3 other brushes she wants us to find."
"I needed some paintbrushes for a craft project and these were a good value so I bought them. There's a nice variety of brushes and they clean easily. However, if you're looking for high quality paint brushes these aren't them. They work well for crafts, but the sable brushes tend to shed hairs."
"The brushes are great for this price. I wasn't sure what to expect with so many brush for so little mondy The bristles do not fall out and and head does not fall off. I used all the different sizes and an edger to paint window frames instead of taping and painting with a 1 1/2 inch brush. The brushes worked great!"
"This is a steal of a deal! Even though these are cheap brushes, having a big variety pack is well worth it. I use a pair of pliers to clamp down on the end of the ferrule tighter if a brush seems to shed any of its hairs. It changes the shape of the brush, often into something more like a fan brush, but then I don't lose hairs in my work, and I can continue to use these ridiculously inexpensive brushes for so many different parts of a painting. I still buy a few really nice brushes too, but it is always nice to have a few 'disposable' ones around too."
Loew-Cornell Brush Set Value Pack (Compare Deals from $6.99)