" Bought and unboxed this video for my readers. I'm a Mom of 3 (2 boys and 1 girl) and the teething stage is heartbreaking because your baby is experiencing pain, so I love that this toothbrush combines teething with it (because if you've had kids before, you know that when you try brushing their teeth, they're going to clamp down on it anyway - so it's better if it's a teether and not hard plastic with regular toothbrush bristles). Things I like about this product: It's flexible and soft, not hard plastic. You can sterilize it in the dishwasher - perfect for kids who get colds or happen to drop the teether/toothbrush on the ground. My kids all loved frozen teethers, and this one allows it to be placed in the freezer. It'll feel good on their gums when they're cutting. It didn't have a bad scent. It didn't have any scent, in fact. Many silicone things have some weird smell to them - but this didn't. It's BPA free, food grade silicone - so if a bristle DOES come off and your baby swallows, it you don't have to get anxious about it. I DO like the fact that the company listened to initial concerns about babies being able to easily bite off the bristles, and they fortified them. They're nice and thick. I love that this teaches your infant to get used to a toothbrush, because you really DO have to get them used to it that early. By the time they're toddlers, they'll have a mouth that's sprouting teeth left and right (or should I say top and bottom), and instill those personal hygiene lessons in them early on where it's NORMAL to brush several times a day is crucial. We all know toddlers get fussy, so if you DO wait, you're asking for resistance. I like that you can order different ones - octopus, corn cob, banana, etc. To be honest, since they're so cheap, I recommend ordering at least 2. Have one in the freezer while the other is being used or washed. As far as dislikes, I don't see a thing wrong with this. It's safe (prevents punctures from a little one falling on a straight toothbrush), fun, and will help with both teaching hygiene and alleviating teething pain. I did an unboxing video so you can see it and see how bendable it is (still pictures just don't have the same effect). Good product! And good luck to you Moms and Dads with a teether. My Dad used to always say, when I was in pain, "I wish I had it all on the end of my nose, and you didn't have any pain." You'll feel that way about your baby during teething, too."
Baby Banana Bendable Training Toothbrush, Infant (Compare Deals from $7.17)
"Let's face it, infants aren't going to learn how to brush their teeth with this. Maybe toddlers who get their teeth in later than the average baby. My son didn't start really showing interest in brushing his teeth until he was about 15/16 months. As a teether though, this item is very cute, if your child doesn't have more than a few teeth. When it comes to teethers, I think every baby is different. Our son enjoyed it for maybe a day or two, then lost interest. I tried to give it to him on different occasions and sometimes he'd chew on it for a minute then toss it away. He always preferred chewing on a frozen washcloth or my clean finger than any other teether. His first teeth came in as a cluster when he was about 6 months. For the few times he chewed on it, he managed to bite a few of the silicone bristles off, like other parents had commented on. I don't think I would have bought this item, had I known how easily the bristles can be bitten off. So basically, I don't recommend this if your baby has more than a few teeth, especially if they have a few on top and the same bottom teeth in. If your baby gets their teeth in quite early, or a cluster at once, this product won't be put to good, safe use for long. There are cheaper, non-bristled silicone teethers out there. I see this more as a baby novelty item. If price isn't an issue, it does make for some super-cute pictures. One more thing...no matter how clean your place is, if this toothbrush falls on the floor (especially carpet), hair, dust, carpet fibers or anything you can't see will most likely adhere to it. I was constantly washing it after a drop."
"We have a 5 month old who is working on about half a dozen teeth at once. We've tried lots of different teething rings and soothers: Animals with flat chewable "feet", plastic shapes with liquid inside that you chill in the fridge, a pseudo-pacifier that is flat and chompable...but the one he'll reach for, when given a choice, is this baby banana training toothbrush. Some reviewers have said that this is not a toothbrush. I'll agree with that. It doesn't clean the gums or teeth. What it does do, though, is get baby used to the idea of something with bristles wandering around inside the mouth. Once he is able to properly bite things, I will probably replace it with something else to save the bristles. The texture is very satisfying to chew - not that I've done it myself, but it feels like it should be. It picks up cat hair like crazy but cleans off quickly with a rinse under the sink. I don't think ours came with a bag, like it did for a previous reviewer. Baby is able to hold it himself and seems to enjoy chewing on the handles as much as on the bristle end. Not so much the far end; its shape lends itself toward sliding out of his mouth. We've been able to attach this banana to the play mat's overhead rails using plastic rings, and baby has also been successful (sometimes) in picking it up himself when he drops it while on his back, depending on where it landed. Edited to add: Baby is now nine months old and has seven teeth. This is still his preferred teething item when his mouth is bugging him. It still looks the same as it did when new, so it's holding up to the chewing well."
" I had a great experience brushing my daughters teeth when her first tooth popped out all the way up until after her 4th tooth popped up I ran into problems.She did not want me brushing it very long,crying, & even bit down a few times.I used the finger tooth brush and it stopped working after her 4th tooth.I had to find something that would encourage her to brush her teeth and continue having a great experience brushing her teeth.After some research and reading some reviews I had to try this out for my little one.I am soo glad I purchased this one because it is definitely a life saver for me.Not only has it increased my daughters independence but also made brusher her teeth a pleasant experience.This was also the cutest brush ever because not only was it a banana but banana is her favorite fruit.So I was very happy to see that she lvoes this brush and now brushes her teeth all on her own.I love it!!It is soft and bendable and easy to use for your little one.It also has grips on the handle and toothpaste is a breeze to clean off.(yes toothpaste sticks well) It is also dishwasher safe so you can clean it in there as well. Overall I am very happy because my daughter enjoys brushing her teeth,increased her independence,safe to use,soft & bendable, & great for training your little one into getting into the habit of brushing their own teeth.I am looking forward to her graduating into the big kid toothbrush after this.I highly recommend getting this one for training your toddler.Package says 1 and up.My daugther is now 19months old."
"This toothbrush is great for babies and toddlers. It's soft and the shape makes it easy for them to use themselves yet parents can still help safely. We got one a few months ago for our son who is now 19 months old. He was biting us with finger brush we had so we transitioned him to this since it still has silicone bristles but we didn't have to put our finger in his mouth. He took a week or so to get used to it and then he was trying to use it to brush on his own! We were so pleased but then noticed that every time he brushed he was biting it and bristles started falling out. Now over half are gone so we ordered another one on Amazon. I'm not happy with how long it lasted but at the same time my son loves using it and we want to encourage brushing on his own. Maybe after this new one falls apart we will switch to a regular toothbrush but I just like how soft and gentle this one is while he is still teething. It gives me peace of mind because he can't hurt himself with it or choke on it. I recommend it overall but watch out if your child bites on it too hard then the bristles will fall out."
"Not only does the silicone texture brush prepare baby for a life long habit of brushing teeth, but my teething son LOVES to chew this brush. His gums are terribly sore due to teething. He loves to chew on both the brush part, and the banana peel part. With this brush, he is able to reach different areas that bother him. This brush is nicer than a previous one he had that didn't have the "peeled" down loops. Not only does he chew on those parts at times, but it also allows me to attach a pacifier lanyard to clip to him to prevent it from falling on the floor. And, the peels work to prevent him from pushing it too far it in his mouth. Very happy with this. I purchased a second one to keep in his toy travel "bag-o-fun". It has soothed my cranky teething baby many times at home and on the go! *UPDATE* Please note that the manufacturer really doesn't intend this to be a teether, but a starter toothbrush. I read a few reviews where people had problems with some of the bristles being bitten off. Though not ideal, a bristle here or there is tiny and not a choking hazard. It's also made of medical grade silicone, so it should "pass" without issue. I have not experienced any parts breaking off and my son has been using this for many months. As stated above, I do allow him to use this independently as a teether, but he has never bitten off any bristles, he's not the kind of chewer to bite off pieces, AND I watch him closely while he uses it. Please use caution with any teether or toy for that matter, and always inspect prior to and during use. (Just my extra two cents as a mom looking out for all kiddos.) Cheers!"
"We got the teething giraffe as a present when my son was first born, and when his teeth started coming in at around 5 or 6 months he showed absolutely no interest in it, but would try to chew on other things such as our knuckles, chin, empty water bottles. I figured since he had hated pacifiers from the start, it was only normal he'd hate sophie and other teething toys such as the ones you put in the freezer. I bought this one to start getting him used to the idea of oral hygiene, but it turned out to be an amazing teething toy, and probably what helped him through the rough days of tender gums. It's nice that he can chew any part of the toy and it is so easy for him to handle it. The only bad thing about it, which some people have previously mentioned, is that the material that is made out of attracts a lot of lint/dust/hair/dirt so I do have to rinse it off/wipe it down if it comes in contact with those things. But because he can hold it so well, it doesn't fall that often. He is almost 8 months and still enjoys it, always chewing on it. Bonus: People always comment on how cute it is and ask questions about it."
Baby Banana Bendable Training Toothbrush, Infant (Compare Deals from $7.17)